The Art of Living Seasonally
September through February
This course will take you from Autumn Equinox through Valentine's Day and beyond. We will employ art, literature, history, music, poetry and healing traditions to explore the seasons from early fall through late winter. Along the way we will discuss how to combine our study of these art forms, with the rhythms and patterns of nature, to navigate the seasons optimally and to enjoy life more. Your life will be transformed into one filled with awareness, appreciation and artfulness. This course brings it all together and provides you with a foundation for living a fulfilling life brimming with beauty.
Your package includes:
Upcoming Course: Living Seasonally, Part I (September through February):
Course Curriculum:
September: Fall (in love with Fall)
October: Settle
November: Remember
December: Celebrate
January: Resolve
February: Give
Here's what students have said about this course!
Thank you for creating such an innovative class. You designed quite an informative curriculum with history, photographs, poems and lovely contemplations. I know how much work and attention to detail that took and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts and thoughtfulness.
Carol (Chicago)
I can't thank you enough for doing this class. I absolutely love it, and appreciate the care that you've put into the information and the contemplations.
Mary Beth (Los Angeles)
This course will be available in Fall of 2014. Price of six-month course $499 when paid in full, $525.00 when paid in three installments ($175.00 each).
September through February
This course will take you from Autumn Equinox through Valentine's Day and beyond. We will employ art, literature, history, music, poetry and healing traditions to explore the seasons from early fall through late winter. Along the way we will discuss how to combine our study of these art forms, with the rhythms and patterns of nature, to navigate the seasons optimally and to enjoy life more. Your life will be transformed into one filled with awareness, appreciation and artfulness. This course brings it all together and provides you with a foundation for living a fulfilling life brimming with beauty.
Your package includes:
- One lesson each week--each month is themed, with contemplative exercises and reading suggestions
- One group call per month to discuss questions, concepts, ideas and inspirations
- A Facebook Private Community Class Page where students can post questions, talk with me and with one another
- A monthly three-page "summary sheet" with synopses, tips and stories
- Journal Pages and Worksheets to help keep you organized and accountable
- Guest lecturers as available and appropriate
Upcoming Course: Living Seasonally, Part I (September through February):
Course Curriculum:
September: Fall (in love with Fall)
- We'll look at apples, sunflowers and Indian Summer and study the paintings of Van Gogh, Monet, and Georgia O'Keefe, the poetry of Emily Dickinson, and the environmental theories of Michael Pollan.
October: Settle
- As we prepare for the colder weather, we'll examine pumpkins, crows, clambakes and Halloween as we settle into a season of contemplation. "Something wicked this way comes" -- wickedly fun and enlightening with great poetry, history, art and food!
November: Remember
- We'll express our gratitude for our blessings, light, and those who have come before us as we study the Days of the Dead, Diwali and Thanksgiving. Using the inspiration of great artists like Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Grant Wood and Norman Rockwell we'll create altars to honor our loved ones, use candles to bring purity and prosperity to our homes, and amazing healthy food and family traditions to make the holiday season truly uplifting. What isn't to love?
December: Celebrate
- Pomegranates, walnuts and Winter Solstice are on the menu as we celebrate the literal swing around the sun. Light, sweetness, nourishment--we'll explore how to make this a month of deep personal and spiritual growth as we dive into mythology, the poetry of Rumi, the writings of Madeline L'Engle, and learn to relish the quiet darkness that envelops this time of year (if we allow it) in lieu of frenzy.
January: Resolve
- We'll explore the impetus to improve, refresh and renew and bring in some nature elements for inspiration: winter birds and pines. Energy and excitement will abound!
February: Give
- Imbolc (the earliest stirrings of spring) and the gifts of chocolate, perfume and roses will round out the course with romance. We'll learn the history of these traditions and how to enjoy them responsibly. The Art of Living comes full circle as we use our knowledge to better ourselves and the world.
Here's what students have said about this course!
Thank you for creating such an innovative class. You designed quite an informative curriculum with history, photographs, poems and lovely contemplations. I know how much work and attention to detail that took and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts and thoughtfulness.
Carol (Chicago)
I can't thank you enough for doing this class. I absolutely love it, and appreciate the care that you've put into the information and the contemplations.
Mary Beth (Los Angeles)
This course will be available in Fall of 2014. Price of six-month course $499 when paid in full, $525.00 when paid in three installments ($175.00 each).