- Breakfast: Oatmeal, or Warmed up Pumpkin (with coconut oil and maple syrup) or A Spice-filled Smoothie (Almond milk, cinnamon and nutmeg, 2 dates, and a banana). Chai tea for a bit of caffeine, and more healthy spice.
- Lunch=Quinoa Pilaf, Steamed Greens, Warmed Pumpkin or Roasted Squash)
- Dinner=Soup (Chicken Vegetable is a nice choice), oatmeal with maple syrup.
- You sip hot water throughout the day, and drink 60 oz. of room temperature water as well.
- Avoid nuts, dairy, and gluten.
- Foods are whole and simple.
- Keep yourself to three meals, if you get hungry, warm up a cup of almond milk with turmeric and maple syrup.
- Meditation is welcome.
- Hot baths with Epsom Salts are rejuvenating.
- Showers with massage oil applied while skin is wet are restorative.
- Light exercise: Yoga and walking.
- Quiet, introspective time resets your body clock and calm.
- On the last evening drink a glass of prune juice to help "empty out."